
Top Homeopathic Remedies For Acidity & Gastric

If you love to eat, you’ll know how terrible acidity and gastric are. These make your stomach burn and churn like butter is being churned inside it. Allopathic medicines whether liquid or solid are not the permanent solution to acidity and gastric. This is when homeopathy will come to your rescue.

Some of the top and most prescribed homoeopathic medicines for these stomach conditions are:

Carbo Vegetabilis:

This is just the perfect remedy for bloating and gas problems in the tummy along with belching. It provides immediate relief and is very effective. You can purchase similar medicines for acidity and gastric from Homeoved.


This is the perfect solution to relieve you of gastric cramps, indigestion, bloating around the waist or gassy sensation after consuming onions, garlic or red chillies. 

Natrum carbonicum:

Natrum Carbonicum is a homeopathic dose for mild or weak people with troubles of digestion and assimilation. These people need to be on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, headache, stomach ulcers and boils can be caused due to unhealthy, junk food. Milk or dairy items cause diarrhea and loose motion making the stomach empty. These people have a serious craving for potatoes, sweets and dairy products, but it makes them extremely sick so they end up avoiding it.

Antimonium crudum:

This medicine is used to relieve patients from indigestion and eating extra food. Especially if it’s rich, acidic, cured meat or fermented food. Antimonium Crudum relieves you of the symptoms, but you’ll feel some heat like formation in the stomach.

Arsenicum album:

Doctors prescribe this if a person feels anxious, terrible or tired and cannot stand the smell or sight of food. The stomach and esophagus feel like burning, which can be made stable only by sitting upright. Vomiting and diarrhea are quite common in this case. This problem is normally triggered by consuming stale food or hogging on fruits not good for the digestive system.

Pulsatilla Nigricans

This medicine is a natural medicine made out of a plant called ‘windflower’. It treats conditions like acid reflux caused by excessive storage of fat in the body. Oily, fatty, creamy food like creamy pastries, thick milk cream and ice creams lead to intense acidity in the body. Pulsatilla is the best category of medicines for liver problems.


This is the best solution for extreme abdominal cramps caused due to gastritis. Colocynthis creates pressure and heat to provide relief from the pain.

Magnesia phosphorica

Magnesia Phosphorica is another commonly used homeopathic remedy for severe abdominal cramps and bloating. It has milk of magnesia in it, which is also used to cure constipation and gastric ailments.

These medications are derived from natural sources and have no side effects on the body. Keep a check on your food habits to avoid falling ill. Store some of these homeopathic medicines with you to prevent the worst situations.

Remember to not have raw onions with these medicines, otherwise these won’t work.

Order them according to your convenience from Homeoved.

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