Willmar Schwabe India Topi Heal Cream (25g)


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This cream gently treats minor burns, cuts and wounds, reduces pain, itching and redness



Also known as

Heal cream


Weight-37 (gms)
Dimensions-13.5 (cm) x 2.4 (cm) x 3.5 (cm)

About Willmar Topi Heal Cream

This heal cream contains Calendula which is a remarkable healing agent, applied locally. Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers. Superficial burns and scalds. Effective in Piles. Pustules. Aching in limbs. Recurring boils. Carbuncles. Irritations from insect bites and poisonous plants.

Indications of Willmar Topi Heal Cream

  • Reduces bleeding in minor cuts
  • Prevents infection from spreading
  • Reduces pain Covers varicose veins
  • Useful as external applicant in bed sores

Ingredients of Willmar Topi Heal Cream

  • Calendula officinalis Q 3% w/w: It is a remarkable healing agent, applied locally. Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers. Superficial burns and scalds.
  • Echinacea angustifolia Q 3% w/w: Piles. Pustules. Aching in limbs. Recurring boils. Carbuncles. Irritations from insect bites and poisonous plants.
  • Millefolium Q 6% w/w: Easily Bleeding wounds, local congestion with bleeding from ulcers and wounds.
  • Excipients Q.S.

Direction of use of Willmar Topi Heal Cream

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, Topi Heal should be applied as follows:

  • The cream should be used 1 – 3 times daily by applying a thin layer to the cleaned and dried affected areas.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.




Can we use Topi Heal Cream for bedsore? Reply to this Question


Topi Heal Cream is well indicated in healing Wounds, Cuts, Sore Nipples, Nappy Rash, Bed Sores, Boils etc. The cream should be used 3 times daily by applying a thin layer to the cleaned and dried affected areas.by Dr. Anamika Mitra on Sep 26, 2018

Q  Can we use this ointment for filariasis leg? Fluid is coming out from leg and skin became red.

Yes, you can use Topi Heal Cream for your complaint.

Q  Can I use Willmar Schwabe India Topi Heal Cream on my face for open pores healing?

Yes, you can use Willmar Schwabe India Topi Heal Cream for your complaint.

Q  Is this medicine useful for healing of open pores on face ?

Willmar Schwabe India Topi Heal Cream gently helps in minor burns, cuts and wounds, reduces pain, itching and redness.

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Willmar Schwabe India Topi Heal Cream (25g)


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