Bios Lab Heightex Tablet (25g)
Height and development of Children to Their Full Potential
₹120.00 -
Hapdco Calendula Plus Cream (25g)
Calendula cream gently treats burns, cuts and itching, reduces rashes and redness
₹60.00 -
Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream (25g)
For Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Facial Scars and Unhealthy Skin
₹90.00 -
Hapdco Marks Go Cream (25g)
Hapdco Marks Go Cream is an effective cream which helps lightening & erasing stretch marks and scars
₹100.00 -
Allen Osteofit Tablets (25g)
For Joint pains, back pain, bone pains, swelling over joints
₹145.00 -
Adven Tonsicare Tablets (25g)
Helpful in relieving of tonsil and throat pain, allergic rhinitis, relieves pharyngitis
₹200.00 -
Adven Teston forte Tablet (25g)
For Males in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, stamina
₹555.00 -
Adven Rheumax Tablet (25g)
For Joint Pains, Muscular Stiffness, Sciatica, Sprains, Stiff Neck, Injuries
₹200.00 -
Adven Rolfia Tablet (25g)
A homeopathic medicine useful for maintaining blood pressure, controlling hypertension
₹200.00 -
Adven Rhineez Tablet (25g)
Relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, helpful in running nose and watering eyes
₹200.00 -
Adven Mignorm Tablets (25g)
Adven mignorm tablets useful in relieving of the migraine and headaches
₹200.00 -
Adven Laxease Tablet (25g)
Helps in relieving of constipation, eases bowel movement and helps in piles
₹90.00 -
Adven Homoeo Derm Tablet (25g)
Home derm tablet useful in healing of itching and scaling cracks, skin rashes and skin infections
₹200.00 -
Adven Leuco Forte Tablets (25g)
Leuco forte tablets useful for women for all types of leucorrhoea
₹200.00 -
Adven Hemotone Tablet (25g)
Hometone tab increases haemoglobin level, helpful in anaemia and blood loss
₹200.00 -
Adven Justin Cough Tablet (25g)
Effective remedy for dry cough, spasmodic cough, allergic cough, whooping cough, wet cough
₹200.00 -
Adven Gas O Plus Tablet (25g)
Gas o plus tablet helpful in gas problems, hyper acidity, indigestion, stomach ache
₹200.00 -
Adven Folli Plus Tablet (25g)
Helps in strengthen of hair roots, reduces hair fall and dandruff, promotes hair growth
₹200.00 -
Adven Calciboost Tablet (25g)
Calciboost helps in getting stronger bones, calcium absorption, improves health
₹200.00 -
Adven Astha Win Tablet (25g)
Astha win tablets a remedy for asthma problems, relieves congestion in chest
₹200.00 -
Medisynth Wartex Pills (25g)
Useful for All Types of Warts and Corns (Callosities), Pain in Corns
₹100.00 -
Medisynth Tonsilon Pills (25g)
For Painful Inflammation, Redness & Sore Throat with Enlarged Tonsils
₹100.00 -
Medisynth Rheumasaj Pills (25g)
For Stiff Neck, Shoulder & Back Pain, Cervical Spondolysis
₹120.00 -
Medisynth Pilen Forte Pills (25g)
For Painful Piles & Haemorrhoids Bleeding & Non Bleeding, Fissures
₹100.00 -
Medisynth Gasgan Pills (25g)
For Flatulence, Gastritis, Indigestion, Bloating & Stomach Pain, acidity
₹100.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Sulphur Cream (25g)
Bakson cream is ideal for skin infections, redness and itchiness, has anti septic properties
₹65.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Mp Gel (25g)
Relieves Multiple Joint Pain, Sciatica, Back & Neck Pain, Stiff Joint
₹75.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Heal Cream (25g)
This cream gently treats minor burns, cuts and wounds, reduces pain, itching and redness
₹75.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Graphites Cream (25g)
Everyday cream for rashes, dry and cracked skin, itching
₹70.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Cardiospermum Cream (25g)
Azadirachta Cream for reducing itching, pain and redness due to minor burns, cuts and wounds
₹70.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Cantharis Cream (25g)
Cantharis cream is a gold mine for those suffering from itching and inflammation
₹70.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Azadirachta Cream (25g)
Azadirachta Cream for reducing itching, pain and redness due to minor burns, cuts and wounds
₹70.00 -
Willmar Schwabe India Topi Berberis Cream (25g)
Acne/Pimples, Pigmentation and Marks on Skin, Dry Skin Diseases
₹70.00 -
SBL Curoplus Ointment (25g)
SBL Curoplus Ointment is a herbal ointment for Acne, Pimples, Skin Darkening, Dark Circles Below Eyes,and Dry Skin
₹90.00 -
SBL Curoplus Gel (25g)
Acne, Pimples, Skin Darkening, Dark Circles Below Eyes, Dry Skin
₹90.00 -
SBL Berberis Aquifolium Gel (25g)
Acne, Pimples, Skin Darkening, Dark Circles Below Eyes, Dry Skin
₹65.00 -
SBL Bio Combination 9 (25g)
Dysentery and Gastro-Entero-Colitis, Stool with Mucus and blood
₹90.00 -
SBL Bio Combination 8 (25g)
Diarrhea while Dentition, Loose Motions in morning, Watery Stool & flatus
₹90.00 -
SBL Bio Combination 7 (25g)
Maintain Blood Sugar, Relieves Impaired Liver, Kidney Functions
₹90.00 -
SBL Bio Combination 6 (25g)
Cough, Cold & Catarrh, Bronchitis, Rattling Cough, Difficulty in breathing
₹95.00 -
SBL Bio Combination 5 (25g)
Coryza (Thick Nasal Discharge), Sinusitis, Sneezing, Nasal Blockage