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Medisynth Alfa Malt Forte (450g)


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In Malt Base useful in General Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Fatigue

Also known as

Alfa malt. alfa forte


Weight-521 (gms)
Dimensions-6.7 (cm) x 6.7 (cm) x 14.2 (cm)

About Alfa Malt Forte

The Goodness of Alfalfa in the Richness of Malt. This Sweet and Delicious formula aces even better in synergism with male. giving quick results in cases of Severe Under-Weight or Under Nourishment. The ideal ‘Weight Gainer and Body Builder’ – Specially for Under-Weight Children, Pregnant Ladies and the Aged.

Composition of Alfa Malt Forte :

Alfalfa 2x

Avena Sativa 3x

Cinchona Officinalis 3x

Hydrastis Canadensis 2x

Withania Somnifera 2x

Acidum Phosphoricum 2x

Ferrum Phosphoricum 6

Kali Phosphoricum 6

Natrum Phosphoricum 6

Calcarea Phosphorica 6

Magnesium Phosphoricum 6

Dosage of Alfa Malt Forte:

For Growing Children, Women(during pregnancy) and other adults:

2 teaspoonful (10.g)

For Under-Weight Children:

1-2 Teaspoonful (5-10.g) 2 to 3 times daily.

Contraindications of Alfa Malt Forte:

No contraindications are known.

Note: This product can also be taken with food or cold milk.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.


Medisynth Alfa Malt Forte (450g)
