Dr. Reckeweg Anagallis Arvensis 200 CH (11ml)
For Convulsion, Headache, Joint pain, Ringworm, Ulcers, Wounds
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Anacardium Orientale 200 CH (11ml)
Brain-fag, Headache, Heart affections, Mental weakness, joint pain
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Anacardium Occidentale 200 CH (11ml)
For Warts, Corns, Erysipelas, Itching, convulsion, Ringworm, ulcers
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Amyl Nitrosum 200 CH (11ml)
For tremors, convulsions, Hot flushes, hiccups, Sea-sickness, sleepy
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Phosphoricum 200 CH (11ml)
For gout, joint pain, bronchitis, cough, sneezing and chest affections
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum 200 CH (11ml)
For Constipation,Cough, Ear pain, Sciatica, liver, heel ulcers
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Carbonicum 200 CH (11ml)
For asthma, cough, profuse periods, Kidney infections, sore throat, cold
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ambra Grisea 200 CH (11ml)
Constipation in children, cough, white discharge women, bleeding nose
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Typhoidinum 200 CH (11ml)
For high temperature, nausea, loose motions, weakness
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Trombidium 200 CH (11ml)
Abdominal pains with loose motions, ear pain, itchy skin,eating worse
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Titanium 200 CH (11ml)
For Early Ejaculation of Semen, restores stamina and vitality
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Urea 200 CH (11ml)
Acts spleen, liver, frequent urination, painful urination, Albuminuria
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Cina 200 CH (11ml)
Worm remedy, itching at anus, crampy pains, grinding teeth, convulsion
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Tuberculinum Koch 200 CH (11ml)
For chronic cough, losing weight, weakness, trembling.
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Valeriana Officinalis 200 CH (11ml)
For mood swings, hyperactivity, Jerking of limbs, worms, headache
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ustilago Maydis 200 CH (11ml)
For menstrual headache, breast pain,hairfall, nails, scaly scalp & pus
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Vaccininum 200 CH (11ml)
Skin eruptions, Swelling, Enlarged glands, bad effects of vaccination
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Urtica Urens 200 CH (11ml)
Burns and scalds, Itching, Blisters, Deficient milk, Spleen complaints
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Thuja Occidentalis 200 CH (11ml)
Warts, overgrowth of tissues, Stiff Joints, Brown spots on skin.
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum 200 CH (11ml)
Maintain Blood Sugar, High Blood Sugar, Frequent Urination.
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Tuberculinum Bovinum 200 CH (11ml)
For children who suffer cough, cold, sneezing, less immunity
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Trillium Pendulum 200 CH (11ml)
Checks the bleeding after tooth extraction, excess menses, cramps.
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Thyroidinum 200 CH (11ml)
For Thyroid problems, Helps in maintaining Weight, development, Memory
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Thymolum 200 CH (11ml)
Back pain, Hookworm, dribbling urine, seminal emissions, night emission
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg China Officinalis 200 CH (11ml)
Anemia, Diarrhoea, Hemorrhage, Indigestion, Liver Troubles, high temperature
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chimaphila Umbellata 200 CH (11ml)
For painful Urination, glandular swellings, swollen breasts
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chenopodium Anthelminticum 200 CH (11ml)
For vertigo, hookworm, roundworm, Ringing in ear, Tonsillitis
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chelidonium Majus 200 CH (11ml)
Jaundice, Warts and corns, ringworm, Loss of appetite,Nausea Vomiting
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chamomilla 200 CH (11ml)
Children complaints, colic, toothache, Stiff joints, all pains, sciatica
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris 200 CH (11ml)
For Chronic Neuralgia, Female Problems and Urinary Complaints
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chininum Arsenicosum 200 CH (11ml)
Tonic after chronic diseases, weakness, headcahe
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Cicuta Virosa 200 CH (11ml)
For Convulsions, jerking, scalp eczema, swollen mammary gland, Tremors
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Cholesterinum 200 CH (11ml)
Liver Dysfunction, Jaundice, Enlarged Liver, Controls High Cholesterol
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Tellurium 200 CH (11ml)
Useful in Ringworm, Eczema, Psoriasis, Sciatica, Back Pain, Red Pimple
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Terebinthinae Oleum 200 CH (11ml)
For Urethritis, Abdominal Problems and Skin Conditions
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chionanthus Virginica 200 CH (11ml)
For Constipation, Dissolves gall bladder calculi, Uric acid, Jaundice
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Chininum Sulphuricum 200 CH (11ml)
Violent Ringing, Roaring in Ears, Joint pains, Anemia, High Temperature
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Teucrium Marum Verum 200 CH (11ml)
For Nasal Polyp, Stoppage of nose, Sneezing, Worms, Hiccups, Colic
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Theridion 200 CH (11ml)
For Headache, Cough, Vertigo, Nausea and Seasickness.
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Tarentula Hispanica 200 CH (11ml)
Trembling Hands, legs, Cold cause symptoms, Nerve pain, vesicle, itching