SBL Eupion 30 CH (30ml)
For complaints of Fallopian tube, periods, white discharge, back pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Euphrasia Officinalis 30 CH (30ml)
Remedy for allergy, Eye redness, acrid watering, coryza, sticky eyes
₹85.00 -
SBL Citrus Limonum 200 CH (30ml)
Sore throat, bruised pain, enlarged spleen, stiff small joints
₹95.00 -
SBL Cistus Canadensis 200 CH (30ml)
Sensitive to cold, tonsils, enlarged glands, Itching without eruption
₹95.00 -
SBL Cinnamomum 200 CH (30ml)
For hemorrhage, bleeding, flatulency, hard stools
₹95.00 -
SBL Cineraria Mariatima 200 CH (30ml)
Relief from Dryness in Eyes, Irritation, Burning, Eye Strain,Blur vision
₹95.00 -
SBL Cinchoninum Sulphuricum 200 CH (30ml)
For headache, early menses, body heat, nose bleed, tinnitus, eye pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Cinchona Officinalis (China) 200 CH (30ml)
For Anaemia, Diarrhoea, Haemorrhage, Indigestion, Liver Troubles, high temperature
₹95.00 -
SBL Cina 200 CH (30ml)
Worm remedy, itching at anus, crampy pains, grinding teeth, convulsion
₹95.00 -
SBL Cimicifuga Racemosa 200 CH (30ml)
For Back pains, Colic, Cramps, Headaches, Menstrual disorders, Joint Pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Cimex Lectularius 200 CH (30ml)
For Constipation, Cough, Tendon & Knee Pain, High Body Temperature, Liver complaints
₹95.00 -
SBL Cicuta Virosa 200 CH (30ml)
For Convulsions, jerking, scalp eczema, swollen mammary gland, Tremors
₹95.00 -
SBL Cicuta Maculata 200 CH (30ml)
For Convulsions, jerking, scalp eczema, swollen mammary gland, Tremors
₹95.00 -
SBL Chrysarobinum 200 CH (30ml)
Relieves Itching, acne, ringworm, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infection
₹95.00 -
SBL Cholesterinum 200 CH (30ml)
Liver Dysfunction, Jaundice, Enlarged Liver, Controls High Cholesterol
₹95.00 -
SBL Chocolate 200 CH (30ml)
Improves appetite & digestion, general weakness, boosts the immune system.
₹95.00 -
SBL Chlorpromazine 200 CH (30ml)
For allergies, forgetfulness, anxiety, schizophrenia
₹95.00 -
SBL Chlorinum 200 CH (30ml)
For difficult breathing, hoarseness, itching skin.
₹95.00 -
SBL Chionanthus Virginica 200 CH (30ml)
For Constipation, Dissolves gall bladder calculi, Uric acid, Jaundice
₹95.00 -
SBL Chloroformum 200 CH (30ml)
Albuminuria, gall stones, sea sickness, relaxed muscles, loss of smell
₹95.00 -
SBL Chloralum 200 CH (30ml)
Sleeplessness, headache, breathlessness, palpitation, red eyes
₹95.00 -
SBL Chininum Sulphuricum 200 CH (30ml)
Violent Ringing, Roaring in Ears, Joint pains, Anemia, High Temperature
₹95.00 -
SBL Chininum Purum 200 CH (30ml)
For anemia, profuse perspiration, weakness, Leg cramps, Indigestion
₹95.00 -
SBL Chininum Muriaticum 200 CH (30ml)
Eye pains, skin itching, tinnitus, flatulence, stomach pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Chininum Bromhydricum 200 CH (30ml)
For disturbed sleep, stinging pains on tongue.
₹95.00 -
SBL Chimaphila Umbellata 200 CH (30ml)
For painful Urination, glandular swellings, swollen breasts
₹95.00 -
SBL Chininum Arsenicosum 200 CH (30ml)
For cold, headache, weak vision, ringing in ears, coryza, joint pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Chininum Arsenicicum 200 CH (30ml)
For cold, headache, weak vision, ringing in ears, coryza, joint pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Cherianthus Cheri 200 CH (30ml)
Congestion of nose, wisdom tooth cutting effects, hearing loss
₹95.00 -
SBL Chenopodium Anthelminticum 200 CH (30ml)
For vertigo, hookworm, roundworm, Ringing in ear, Tonsillitis
₹95.00 -
SBL Chelone Glabra 200 CH (30ml)
Liver complaints, bloating, fullness, abdomen pain, worms
₹95.00 -
SBL Chelidonium Majus 200 CH (30ml)
Jaundice, Warts and corns, ringworm, Loss of appetite,Nausea Vomiting
₹95.00 -
SBL Chaulmoograe 200 CH (30ml)
Beneficial in psoriasis,eczema, nerve pain,muscle cramps & sprain
₹95.00 -
SBL Chaparo Amargoso 200 CH (30ml)
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, abdominal cramps, colic, vomiting
₹95.00 -
SBL Chamomilla 200 CH (30ml)
Children complaints, colic, toothache, Stiff joints, all pains, sciatica
₹95.00 -
SBL Cerium Oxalicum 200 CH (30ml)
Cough, vomiting, painful menses, bleeding in cough
₹95.00 -
SBL Cereus Bonplandii 200 CH (30ml)
For chest complaints, itching, pustules, anxiety, palpitations
₹95.00 -
SBL Cephalandra Indica 200 CH (30ml)
Reduce Increased fasting sugar, Profuse urination, excess thirst, Boil
₹95.00 -
SBL Cenchris Contortrix 200 CH (30ml)
Dry cough, mood swings, chapped face, ovarian pain, enlarged feel
₹95.00 -
SBL Cedron 200 CH (30ml)
For insect bites, periodical complaints, eye and nerve pains