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Adel Pekana Adel 38 (Apo-Spast) (20ml)


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Beneficial in loss of movements & sensation in body & neuralgia

Also known as

Adel 38 Spast


Weight-60 (gms)
Dimensions-3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm)


INDICATIONS of  Adel PekanaAdel 38 (Apo-Spast)

For twitching, convulsions cramps is all body part, stiffness and paralysis states.

INGREDIENTS of  Adel PekanaAdel 38 (Apo-Spast)

Ammi visnaga 12X, Atropa belladonna 12X, Cuprum aceticum 6X, Hyoscyamus niger 10X, Nicotiana tabacum 10X, Potentilla anserine 6X, Secale cornutum 12X, Strychnos ignatii 12X.

Ammi visnaga is a very modern ingredient of the complex, which acts mainly against asthmatic cramps of the bronchial muscles, but over this it is reliable remedy for angina pectoris, neurozirculatoric dystonic states, hypertony, colon cramps and spastic situations, produced by urinary stones.

Atropa belladonna is a complete historic spasmolytic matter for convulsions and cramps in all parts of the body and hollow organs, which over this offers important antiinflammable influences, included congestions of the head and states of being restlessness.

Cuprum aceticum is a well known remedy against convulsiones, cramps of all muscles of the body, special groups of muscles, calf cramps, colics and collapses.

Hyoscyamus niger is a well known old healing plant against twitchings, convulsiones and spastic delopments in the respiratory organs and the digestive ways. Over this it regulates excitements of the brain combounded with sleeplessnes, colic states in the abdomen and other spasms, in a reliablemanner.

Nicotiana tabacum too is a proven constringent and vasodilation remedy. Its indications a very good remedy for coronar spasms, angina pectoris, sclerotic processes andreadiness for collapses in combination with mind disturbances. For the internal middle and intestinal organs or the musculoskeletal system with stiffness and flaccid paralysis states the matter is well indicated.

Coming from phytotherapy Potentilla anserina was introduced in the modern homeopathy. And it is a very usefull matter, as it is an omnipotent spasmolytic one for gastritid, ulcera ventriculi and duodeni cramps of and colitis states. Over this it acts against dysmenorrhoe cramps and pains, but you cannot find the indications for this plant in all homeopathic literature!

While cuprum showed disturbances of wrong heat accumulations and cyanotic symptoms, painfull internal spasms of the vessels and numbness is the domane of Secale cornutum caused by endogen toxic states one find a change indication of coldness to burning heat feelings.

Strychnos ignatii is a medicine for trembling, congestions, cramps and for hysteric conditions of a person. These are psychosomatic situations after a minds hurt, and so it very often is used as a single or combination remedy.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE (Unless otherwise prescribed)

Adults – 15-20 drops, 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water.

Terms and Conditions

Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions.


Adel Pekana Adel 38 (Apo-Spast) (20ml)
