Dr. Reckeweg Bacillinum 200 CH (11ml)
Cough, teeth complaints, enlarged glands, ringworm, eczema
₹160.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Solidago Virgaurea 30 CH (11ml)
Reduces pain during passing urine, backache, prostatic affection
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Silicea 30 CH (11ml)
Promotes expulsion of pus, for scars, Constipation, Crippled Nails
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Senega 30 CH (11ml)
Relieves sneezing, congestion, Wheezing, Dry Cough, Eye pains, Dry eye
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sepia 30 CH (11ml)
Used in Enuresis, scanty menses, Headache, abdomen enlarged, Hot flushes
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Senecio Aureus 30 CH (11ml)
Regulate irregular menses in young girls, Renal pain, pain during urine
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Selenium 30 CH (11ml)
Improves urine Flow in old age, male complaints, Hair Fall, Baldness
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Secale Cornutum 30 CH (11ml)
Skin complaints, anxiety, muscles weak, stammering, vertigo
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Scirrhinum 30 CH (11ml)
For Enlarged hard glands, varicose, worms, weakness
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sanicula Aquatica 30 CH (11ml)
Neck sweat, breathing problem, less weight, scanty urine & stool, cracks
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Santoninum 30 CH (11ml)
For All Kinds of Worms, Gastritis, Intestinal Irritation, Itching of Nose
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sanguinaria Nitricum 30 CH (11ml)
Cough, sore scalp, nasal polyp, stiff neck, nasal congestion, Itchy eye
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sanguinaria Canadensis 30 CH (11ml)
For Headache, Tonsillitis, Hot Flushes, Dry cough, Nasal Polyp, Corn
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sambucus Nigra 30 CH (11ml)
Swelling all over body, nasal congestion, scanty urine, abdominal pain
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sambucus Canadensis 30 CH (11ml)
Headache, sweating, albumiuria, Throat pain, Joint pain, back pain
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sabina 30 CH (11ml)
Women complaints, abdominal colic, varicose veins, piles, constipation
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sabal Serrulata 30 CH (11ml)
Underdeveloped breast, Pain in testicular region, Increases weight
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sarsaparilla 30 CH (11ml)
For Boils,Pimples, Bed wetting, Burning urine, Renal stone, Bone pains
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Sabadilla 30 CH (11ml)
For coryza, nasal congestion, sneezing, allergy to strong odors, worms
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ruta Graveolens 30 CH (11ml)
For all Injuries, Eye strain, Swelling, Nodes on Joints, Fractures
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Rumex Crispus 30 CH (11ml)
For Cough, Itching skin, enlarged glands, vesicular eruption from cold
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Robinia Pseudacacia 30 CH (11ml)
Hyperacidity, Nausea, Sour eructation, Vomiting, Frontal headache
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Rosmarinus Officinalis 30 CH (11ml)
Improves memory, Early menses, Irregular pulse, cold hands and feet
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Venenata 30 CH (11ml)
Itching, Bone pains, Tinnitus, throat pain, Anal burning, stiff muscle
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ricinus Communis 30 CH (11ml)
For Diarrhoea, Gastroenteritis and Increases Milk Secretion
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Oleum Jecoris 30 CH (11ml)
For Hirsutism, Checks Extra Hair Growth in Female,Liver Tonic, Ringworm
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Toxicodendron 30 CH (11ml)
For sprains, Joint pains, Stiffness, Muscle pain, Blisters, Red Skin
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Rhododendron Chrysanthum 30 CH (11ml)
For pains in heel, Joints, testicular, tinnitus, heat of hands, corns
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Rheum 30 CH (11ml)
For Diarrhoea, Offensive Breath, Difficult Dentition, Ear Affections
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ratanhia 30 CH (11ml)
For fissures, piles, anal pain, pin worms, violent hiccoughs, straining
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Raphanus Sativus 30 CH (11ml)
Relieves gas pains after surgeries, sore throat, Frequent sneezing
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Ranunculus Bulbosus 30 CH (11ml)
Chest Affections, Corns, Herpes Zoster, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Writers Cramp
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Radium Bromatum 30 CH (11ml)
For High Body Temperature, Bone Affections, Gout, Joint Pain, Skin Troubles
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Pyrogenium 30 CH (11ml)
For Abscess, High Body Temperature With Restlessness, Sepsis, Ulcers
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla Nigricans 30 CH (11ml)
Styes, Varicose Vein, Scanty menses, Toothache, Headache, Colic, Sleepy
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Psorinum 30 CH (11ml)
Acne during menses, Skin eruptions, Itching, Dryness, Bloating, Breasts swollen
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Pothos Foetidus 30 CH (11ml)
Reduces swelling of enlarged glands, Nasal bones, Breathlessness
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Podophyllum Peltatum 30 CH (11ml)
For headache, Ovarian pains, Piles, loose motions, nausea, Flatulence
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Plumbum Iodatum 30 CH (11ml)
For enlarged gland, numbness of limbs, enlarged Spleen, Tonsil, ulcer
₹135.00 -
Dr. Reckeweg Plantago Major 30 CH (11ml)
Used in gumboil, abscess, infection, decayed tooth, bites of animals