SBL Cascara Sagrada 30 CH (30ml)
For hard, constipated stools, Liver complaints, piles, digestion
₹85.00 -
SBL Carum Carvi 30 CH (30ml)
For colic, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, cramps, nausea
₹85.00 -
SBL Carlsbad 30 CH (30ml)
For yawning, weakness, liver, spleen inflammation, hiccoughs
₹85.00 -
SBL Carduus Marianus 30 CH (30ml)
Nausea, Vomiting, loss of appetite, liver problems, Varicose Veins
₹85.00 -
SBL Carica Papaya 30 CH (30ml)
For enlarged liver & spleen, Improves Platelet count, regulates menses
₹85.00 -
SBL Kaolinum 200 CH (30ml)
For nasal congestion, constriction, soreness, numbness, jerking
₹95.00 -
SBL Kalmia Latifolia 200 CH (30ml)
For headache, Albuminuria, cardiac complaints, Hot flushes, vertigo
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Sulphuricum 200 CH (30ml)
For yellow Discharges, Breathlessness,Rash, Eczema, Ringworm, Hair fall
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Picricum 200 CH (30ml)
For violent vomiting, jaundice, colic, diarrhoea
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Phosphoricum 200 CH (30ml)
For Anxiety, Energy, Headache, Back Pain, Late menses, Swollen glands
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Permanganicum 200 CH (30ml)
Soreness of throat, swelling, profuse urine, warts on nose
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Oxalicum 200 CH (30ml)
Violent pains, burning urine, rigors, vomiting, convulsions
₹95.00 -
SBL Carduus Benedictus 30 CH (30ml)
Burning, acidity, hiccoughs, yawning, cracking in joints, salivation
₹85.00 -
SBL Carcinosin Squam Pulm 30 CH (30ml)
Enlarged mammary glands, infections, gases, Ovarian cysts
₹85.00 -
SBL Carcinosin 30 CH (30ml)
Enlarged mammary glands, infections, gases, Ovarian cysts
₹85.00 -
SBL Carcino Sc Mammae 30 CH (30ml)
Useful in the abnormal growth on the breast,glandular swelling and pain in breast
₹85.00 -
SBL Carcino Adeno Stomach 30 CH (30ml)
Useful in nausea, vomiting,growth in stomach ,blood in vomiting and loss of appetite
₹85.00 -
SBL Carbo Vegetabilis 30 CH (30ml)
Bleeding Gums, Flatulence, Indigestion, Colic, Haemorrhoids Painful, Overeating
₹85.00 -
SBL Carboneum Sulphuratum 30 CH (30ml)
For alcohol abuse, Sciatica, neuritis, Muscle loss, Tinnitus
₹85.00 -
SBL Carboneum Oxygenisatum 30 CH (30ml)
Eye disorders, headache, skin disorders, excessive sleep, feeling of unwellness
₹85.00 -
SBL Carbo Animalis 30 CH (30ml)
Enlarged glands, Skin ulcers, warts, varicose veins, weak digestion
₹85.00 -
SBL Capsicum Annuum 30 CH (30ml)
Sore throat, Hoarseness, ear infection, piles, homesick, alcoholics
₹85.00 -
SBL Cantharis 30 CH (30ml)
1st degree burns, Eczema, rage and anger,Burning painful urination
₹85.00 -
SBL Kali Nitricum 200 CH (30ml)
For joint pain, Colic, diarhoea, heavy menses, Headache, lung infection
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Muriaticum 200 CH (30ml)
For Ear pain, Sinus, Tonsil, Hemorrhoids, Mouth ulcers, Acne, Eczema
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Iodatum 200 CH (30ml)
Heals Scars after eruptions, Tinnitus, hiccoughs,Eructation, Sciatica
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Hypophosphoricum 200 CH (30ml)
For weakness, recovery, itching, bronchitis, oedema, swelling
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Ferrocyanatum 200 CH (30ml)
For weakness, profuse menses, white discharge, frequent urine
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Cyanatum 200 CH (30ml)
For mouth ulcers, gastritis, neuralgia, convulsion, jerking
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Chromicum 200 CH (30ml)
For cold, cough, thick, sticky discharge, albuminuria, joint pains.
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Chloricum 200 CH (30ml)
For mouth ulcers, stomatitis, tonsillitis, loose motions
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Causticum 200 CH (30ml)
For joint pains, sinus, colic, cough, tinnitus
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Carbonicum 200 CH (30ml)
For knee complaints, Joint pains, Hot flushes, cramps, back pain, worms
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Bromatum 200 CH (30ml)
Lowers Temperature, Acne with Scars, Psoriasis, Convulsions, Fidgety
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Bichromicum 200 CH (30ml)
For Vertigo, Sun headache, swollen cervical glands, Ulcers, Stopped nose
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Bicarbonicum 200 CH (30ml)
For nasal congestion, thick discharge, burning urination, joint pains
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Arsenicosum 200 CH (30ml)
Homeo for indigestion, dry scaly skin, cold, leucorrhoea
₹95.00 -
SBL Kali Aceticum 200 CH (30ml)
ascites, piles, itching, bad breath, spine pains
₹95.00 -
SBL Justicia Adhatoda 200 CH (30ml)
Reduces cough and cold, Dyspnoea, Hoarseness, Difficult swallowing
₹95.00 -
SBL Juniperus Virginiana 200 CH (30ml)
Allergy, jerking body, tonic spasm, burning urine, bleeding