SBL Magnesia Oxydata 30 CH (30ml)
Diarrhea, pain in abdomen,Urticaria, burning urine
₹85.00 -
SBL Magnesia Muriaticum 30 CH (30ml)
Constipation, Stomach and Liver Problems, Female Complaints
₹85.00 -
SBL Luteinum 30 CH (30ml)
endometrium lining, fertility, female health
₹85.00 -
SBL Lupulus 30 CH (30ml)
Headache, sleeplessness, tremors, twitching, erythema
₹85.00 -
SBL Luffa Operculata 30 CH (30ml)
For sinusitis, choked, congested nose, asthma, dry cough, sneezing
₹85.00 -
SBL Luffa Amara 30 CH (30ml)
For enlarged spleen, enlarged liver, Burning all over body, chills
₹85.00 -
SBL Luesinum 30 CH (30ml)
asthma, headache, heartburn, difficult urine, ovary swollen, gland
₹85.00 -
SBL Lolium Temulentum 30 CH (30ml)
Weakness Of Limbs, Twitching of the Face, Body Movements affected
₹85.00 -
SBL Lobelia Inflata 30 CH (30ml)
Indigestion, acidity, nausea, vomiting,effects of alcohol, tobacco
₹85.00 -
SBL Lithium Carbonicum 30 CH (30ml)
Stiffness, small joint pains, violent cough, Nodules on joints
₹85.00 -
SBL Vinca Major 200 CH (30ml)
Checks bleeding from the nose, uterus, sore throat, raised blood pressure.
₹95.00 -
SBL Viburnum Prunifolium 200 CH (30ml)
Crampy pains, uterine complaints, menstrual pains, fibroid complaints
₹95.00 -
SBL Sticta Pulmonaria 200 CH (30ml)
Bronchial catarrh, Sinusitis, Headache and Joint Pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Stellaria Media 200 CH (30ml)
For stiffness of Joints, enlarged nodes, itching, psoriasis, soreness
₹95.00 -
SBL Staphysagria 200 CH (30ml)
Anger suppressed, Colic, pain in abdomen, Stye, Decayed teeth, Eczema
₹95.00 -
SBL Staphylococcinum 200 CH (30ml)
For acne, skin infections, swollen eyelids, pus, dry mouth
₹95.00 -
SBL Stannum Iodatum 200 CH (30ml)
For cough in public speakers, overuse of voice, hoarseness, cough
₹95.00 -
SBL Squilla 200 CH (30ml)
Frequent urination, corn, wart, cough, standing pain, Difficult breath
₹95.00 -
SBL Spongia Tosta 200 CH (30ml)
Hard & enlarged glands, neck swellings, cough & suffocative breath
₹95.00 -
SBL Spiritus Quercus Glandium 200 CH (30ml)
Lowers Craving For Alcohol, Giddiness, Pain Abdomen, Swelling of Spleen
₹95.00 -
SBL Spiranthes Autumnalis 200 CH (30ml)
Inflammed eyes, chin, colic, yawning, drowsy, itching, heat
₹95.00 -
SBL Spigelia Marylandica 200 CH (30ml)
For Catarrh, Cold, Headache, Rheumatic Affections, Toothache, Worms, Eye Pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Spigelia 200 CH (30ml)
Catarrh, Cold, Headache, Rheumatic Affections, Toothache, Worms, Eye Pain
₹95.00 -
SBL Sparteinum Sulphuricum 200 CH (30ml)
For nephritis, albuminuria, irregular pulse, palpitations, heart complaints
₹95.00 -
SBL Solidago Virgaurea 200 CH (30ml)
Pain during passing urine, backache, prostatic affection
₹95.00 -
SBL Solanum Xanthocarpus 200 CH (30ml)
For hairball, dandruff, headache, difficult breathing, mucus in throat
₹95.00 -
SBL Solanum Nigrum 200 CH (30ml)
For High body temperature, Headache, Stammering, Varicosis, Vertigo, Ulcers
₹95.00 -
SBL Lithium Bromatum 30 CH (30ml)
For Numbness, vertigo, sleeplessness, cerebral congestion, flushes
₹85.00 -
SBL Lithium Benzoicum 30 CH (30ml)
For uric acid, gout, cystitis, frequent desire to urinate, enuresis
₹85.00 -
SBL Lilium Tigrinum 30 CH (30ml)
White discharge in females, cramps, headache, hot flushes
₹85.00 -
SBL Liatris Spicata 30 CH (30ml)
For Indigestion, colic, urine suppressed, swelling, kidney complaints
₹85.00 -
SBL Leucas Aspera 30 CH (30ml)
For animal bites, skin eruptions, psoriasis, snake and scorpion bite
₹85.00 -
SBL Leonuorus Cardica 30 CH (30ml)
For heart complaints, vomiting, retching, dryness, abdomen pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Lemna Minor 30 CH (30ml)
Nasal Polyps, Breathing Difficulties, Dryness of Throat, bad breath
₹85.00 -
SBL Viburnum Opulus 200 CH (30ml)
Cramps, Colicky pains, after operation pains, dribbling urine
₹95.00 -
SBL Plantago Major 30 CH (30ml)
Gumboil, abscess, infection, decayed tooth, bites of animals
₹90.00 -
SBL Placenta 30 CH (30ml)
For Immunity in children, stress after pregnancy, child colic
₹85.00 -
SBL Plantanus Occidentalis 30 CH (30ml)
For eye swellings, stye, itching, dryness, scales, eruptions.
₹85.00 -
SBL Pituitrine 30 CH (30ml)
Frequent urine, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, checks bleeding, weakness
₹85.00 -
SBL Pix Liquida 30 CH (30ml)
Skin eruptions, Itching, bed wetting, black vomit, cough, colic