SBL Stramonium 1X (Q) (30ml)
Mania, Hurriedness, Trembling of feet, painlessness, Tingling in limbs
₹100.00 -
SBL Tamus Communis 1X (Q) (30ml)
For removal of scars, injury marks, bone pains, skin bumps, skin burn
₹165.00 -
SBL Symphytum Officinale 1X (Q) (30ml)
Injuries after blows, fall, Blows, Knee pains, neuralgic pains
₹130.00 -
SBL Swertia Chirata 1X (Q) (30ml)
For low hemoglobin, weakness, worms, high temperature, rash, joint pain
₹130.00 -
SBL Stigmata Mayadis 1X (Q) (30ml)
Retention of urine, swollen legs, kidney stone, prostate, incontinence
₹100.00 -
SBL Sulphur 1X (Q) (30ml)
Relieves Burning, Cramps, Injuries, varicose Veins, Enlarged Glands
₹95.00 -
SBL Solanum Xanthocarpum 1X (Q) (30ml)
For hairball, dandruff, headache, difficult breathing, mucus in throat
₹100.00 -
SBL Spiritus Quercus Glandium 1X (Q) (30ml)
Lowers Craving For Alcohol, Giddiness, Pain Abdomen, Swelling of Spleen
₹130.00 -
SBL Spigelia 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Catarrh, Cold, Headache, Rheumatic Affections, Toothache, Worms, Eye Pain
₹385.00 -
SBL Solidago Virgaurea 1X (Q) (30ml)
Reduces pain during passing urine, backache, prostatic affection
₹300.00 -
SBL Sinapis Alba 1X (Q) (30ml)
Burning pains, thread worm, piles, coccyx pain, salivation
₹95.00 -
SBL Solanum Nigrum 1X (Q) (30ml)
For High body temperature, Headache, Stammering, Varicosis, Vertigo, Ulcers
₹95.00 -
SBL Secale Cornutum 1X (Q) (30ml)
Skin complaints, anxiety, muscles weak, stammering, vertigo
₹220.00 -
SBL Sinapis Nigra 1X (Q) (30ml)
Loud cough, nausea, vomiting, hoarse voice, eczema
₹95.00 -
SBL Scutellaria 1X (Q) (30ml)
For twitching of muscles, sick headache, sleeplessness, colicky pain
₹197.00 -
SBL Scrophularia Nodosa 1X (Q) (30ml)
Useful in eczema, vertigo, tinnitus, piles, Joint pains during rest
₹182.00 -
SBL Senna 1X (Q) (30ml)
For colic in children, sneezing,hard stools, heat of palms, constipation
₹100.00 -
SBL Senecio Aureus 1X (Q) (30ml)
Regulate irregular menses in young girls, Renal pain, pain during urine
₹231.00 -
SBL Sarsaparilla 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Boils,Pimples, Bed wetting, Burning urine, Renal stone, Bone pains
₹182.00 -
SBL Senega 1X (Q) (30ml)
Relieves sneezing, congestion, Wheezing, Dry Cough, Eye pains, Dry eye
₹103.00 -
SBL Sedum Acre 1X (Q) (30ml)
For hemorrhoids, piles, weight gain, anal fissures, convulsion
₹276.00 -
SBL Sanguinaria Canadensis 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Headache, Tonsillitis, Hot Flushes, Dry cough, Nasal Polyp, Corn
₹276.00 -
SBL Sambucus Nigra 1X (Q) (30ml)
Swelling all over body, nasal congestion, scanty urine, abdominal pain
₹200.00 -
SBL Sambucus Canadensis 1X (Q) (30ml)
Headache, sweating, albumiuria, Throat pain, Joint pain, back pain
₹300.00 -
SBL Salvia Officinalis 1X (Q) (30ml)
Reduces excess sweating, irritation in throat, cough
₹130.00 -
SBL Salix Nigra 1X (Q) (30ml)
Difficult menses, Weakness of Sexual Organs, Premature Ejaculation,
₹95.00 -
SBL Rosa Damascena 1X (Q) (30ml)
For ear complaints, raised body temperature, skin infection
₹103.00 -
SBL Rumex Crispus 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Cough, Itching skin, enlarged glands, vesicular eruption from cold
₹100.00 -
SBL Sabina 1X (Q) (30ml)
Women complaints, abdominal colic, varicose veins, piles, constipation
₹200.00 -
SBL Sabal Serrulata 1X (Q) (30ml)
Underdeveloped breast, Pain in testicular region, Increases weight
₹231.00 -
SBL Ricinus Communis 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Diarrhoea, Gastroenteritis and Increases Milk Secretion
₹95.00 -
SBL Rumex Acetosa 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Dry cough, uvula swollen, sore throat, sleeplessness, convulsion
₹95.00 -
SBL Ruta Graveolens 1X (Q) (30ml)
For all Injuries, Eye strain, Swelling, Nodes on Joints, Fractures
₹123.00 -
SBL Rhododendron Chrysanthum 1X (Q) (30ml)
For pains in heel, Joints, testicular, tinnitus, heat of hands, corns
₹250.00 -
SBL Rheum 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Diarrhoea, Offensive Breath, Difficult Dentition, Ear Affections
₹95.00 -
SBL Rhus Toxicodendron 1X (Q) (30ml)
For sprains, Joint pains, Stiffness, Muscle pain, Blisters, Red Skin
₹276.00 -
SBL Robinia Pseudacacia 1X (Q) (30ml)
Hyperacidity, Nausea, Sour eructation, Vomiting, Frontal headache
₹103.00 -
SBL Rhamnus Catharticus 1X (Q) (30ml)
For Joint pains, as, colic, abdominal complaint,constipation
₹200.00 -
SBL Rauvolfia Serpentina 1X (Q) (30ml)
Regulates High Blood Pressure,Palpitation,Restlessness,Sleeplessness
₹100.00 -
SBL Ratanhia 1X (Q) (30ml)
For fissures, piles, anal pain, pin worms, violent hiccoughs, straining
₹123.00 -
SBL Raphanus Sativus 1X (Q) (30ml)
Reduces gas pains after surgeries, sore throat, Frequent sneezing