SBL Spiranthes Autumnalis 30 CH (30ml)
Inflammed eyes, chin, colic, yawning, drowsy, itching, heat
₹85.00 -
SBL Spigelia Marylandica 30 CH (30ml)
For Catarrh, Cold, Headache, Rheumatic Affections, Toothache, Worms, Eye Pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Spigelia 30 CH (30ml)
Catarrh, Cold, Headache, Rheumatic Affections, Toothache, Worms, Eye Pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Morgan Gaertner 30 CH (30ml)
For colic due to gall calculi, renal calculi, irritability at all levels.
₹85.00 -
SBL Morbillinum 30 CH (30ml)
Cold, cough, Mouth ulcers, Red spots on skin, ear pain, Red eyes
₹85.00 -
SBL Mitchella Repens 30 CH (30ml)
Swollen uterus, difficult urine, tonsils, dry cough, scalp sensitive
₹85.00 -
SBL Millefolium 30 CH (30ml)
Varicose veins, bleeding pile, nose bleed, bleeding wounds, sore nipple
₹85.00 -
SBL Mezereum 30 CH (30ml)
Neuralgias, Bone Affections, Skin Problems and Constipation
₹85.00 -
SBL Solidago Virgaurea 30 CH (30ml)
Pain during passing urine, backache, prostatic affection
₹85.00 -
SBL Sparteinum Sulphuricum 30 CH (30ml)
For nephritis, albuminuria, irregular pulse, palpitations, heart complaints
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Vivus 30 CH (30ml)
Offensive sweat, urinary tract infections, mouth ulcers, bad breath
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Sulphuricus 30 CH (30ml)
For difficult breathing, loose motions, burning pains, urine, headache
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Solubilis 30 CH (30ml)
Glandular swelling, Skin Ulcer, Vertigo, Bone pain, Bad Breath, Tremor
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Perennis 30 CH (30ml)
Congestion, obstructed nose, redness, inflamed mucosa
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Percipitatus Ruber 30 CH (30ml)
For Old Ulcers, Joint pains,Otitis, ear discharge, Injuries, Stomach pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Percipitatus Albus 30 CH (30ml)
Non healing ulcers, trembling, muscle weakness.
₹85.00 -
SBL Solanum Nigrum 30 CH (30ml)
For High body temperature, Headache, Stammering, Varicosis, Vertigo, Ulcers
₹85.00 -
SBL Solanum Xanthocarpus 30 CH (30ml)
For hairball, dandruff, headache, difficult breathing, mucus in throat
₹85.00 -
SBL Silicea 30 CH (30ml)
Expulsion of Pus, Scars, Constipation, Crippled Nails
₹85.00 -
SBL Sinapis Alba 30 CH (30ml)
Burning pains, thread worm, piles, coccyx pain, salivation
₹85.00 -
SBL Sinapis Nigra 30 CH (30ml)
Loud cough, nausea, vomiting, hoarse voice, eczema
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Oxydatus Flavus 30 CH (30ml)
For Old Ulcers, Joint pains,Otitis, ear discharge, Injuries, Stomach pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Nitricus 30 CH (30ml)
eczema, ringworm, psoriasis, tinnitus, tremors, eye lid ulcer
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Iodatus Flavus 30 CH (30ml)
Throat pain, Tonsillitis, bad breath, Breast pain, Enlarged glands
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Iodatus Ruber 30 CH (30ml)
Glandular Affection, Mouth Ulcer, Tonsillitis, Toothache
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Et Kali Iodatus 30 CH (30ml)
Heals Scars after eruptions, Tinnitus, hiccoughs,Eructation, Sciatica
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Dulcis 30 CH (30ml)
Inflammation of ear, Prostatitis, renal diseases, mouth ulcer
₹85.00 -
SBL Serum Anguillae 30 CH (30ml)
For increased blood pressure & creatinine level, kidney dysfunction, oedema
₹85.00 -
SBL Silica Marina 30 CH (30ml)
For constipation, tartar on teeth, swollen glands.
₹85.00 -
SBL Sepia 30 CH (30ml)
Enuresis, scanty menses, Headache, abdomen enlarged, Hot flushes
₹85.00 -
SBL Senna 30 CH (30ml)
For colic in children, sneezing,hard stools, heat of palms, constipation
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Cyanatus 30 CH (30ml)
Nephritis, varicose veins, epistaxis, Bloody stools, nausea, weakness
₹85.00 -
SBL Senega 30 CH (30ml)
Sneezing, congestion, Wheezing, Dry Cough, Eye pains, Dry eye
₹85.00 -
SBL Mercurius Corrosivus 30 CH (30ml)
Dysentry, Mouth Ulcer, Pyorrhea, Throat Affection, Urinary Trouble
₹85.00 -
SBL Senecio Aureus 30 CH (30ml)
Irregular menses in young girls, Renal pain, pain during urine
₹85.00 -
SBL Senecio Aurantiacus 30 CH (30ml)
For coryza withe nose bleed, menstrual flow
₹85.00 -
SBL Sempervivum Tectorum 30 CH (30ml)
Warts, mouth ulcers, tongue ulcer, glandular swellings, swollen breast
₹85.00 -
SBL Selenium 30 CH (30ml)
Hair Fall, Baldness, Male complaints, Urine Flow in old age,
₹85.00 -
SBL Sedum Acre 30 CH (30ml)
For hemorrhoids, piles, weight gain, anal fissures, convulsion
₹85.00 -
SBL Secale Cornutum 30 CH (30ml)
Skin complaints, anxiety, muscles weak, stammering, vertigo
₹85.00 -
SBL Scutellaria 30 CH (30ml)
For twitching of muscles, sick headache, sleeplessness, colicky pain
₹85.00 -
SBL Scrophularia Nodosa 30 CH (30ml)
Eczema, vertigo, tinnitus, piles, Joint pains during rest