SBL Oleum Morrhuae 30 CH (30ml)
Jaundice, worm expulsion, vomiting, joint pains, anemia
₹85.00 -
SBL Oleum Animale 30 CH (30ml)
Stomach complaints, testicle pain, sore lips, burning pains
₹85.00 -
SBL Oleander 30 CH (30ml)
Eczema, Headache, Numbness, Palpitation, Scalp eruption, Vertigo
₹85.00 -
SBL Oenanthe Crocata 30 CH (30ml)
Convulsions with Tremors and Teeth Grinding at Night, Pupils Dilated
₹85.00 -
SBL Ocimum Canum 30 CH (30ml)
Albuminuria, painful urine, glandular swelling, Itching, Uric acid
₹85.00 -
SBL Ocimum Sanctum 30 CH (30ml)
Renal colic, Pain when breast feeding, Renal Pain, Vomiting, Ringworm
₹85.00 -
SBL Ocimum Basilicum 30 CH (30ml)
Loose motion, bronchitis, swellings, cough, Joint pains
₹85.00 -
SBL Nymphaea Odorata 30 CH (30ml)
For morning diarrhoea, backache, female complaints, sore throat
₹85.00 -
SBL Nyctanthes Arbortristis 30 CH (30ml)
Gall calculi, Temperature, worms, sciatica, bitter vomit
₹85.00 -
SBL Nux Vomica 30 CH (30ml)
Anger, Irritation, Constipation, Nausea Vomiting, Colic, Joint pains
₹85.00 -
SBL Nux Moschata 30 CH (30ml)
Irregular menses, Sleepiness, dry mouth, colic, starts and stop menses
₹85.00 -
SBL Nuphar Lutea 30 CH (30ml)
Absent Erection, premature ejaculation Diarrhea, Weakness, Psoriasis
₹85.00 -
SBL Nitri Spiritus Dulcis 30 CH (30ml)
Useful in chest congestion,cough,burning in stomach,sexual weakness & gall stone
₹85.00 -
SBL Nicotinum 30 CH (30ml)
Tonic, clonic spasms, difficulty swallowing, tingling in fingers
₹85.00 -
SBL Niccolum Sulphuricum 30 CH (30ml)
For female disturbance, excess urine & saliva, constipation, headache
₹85.00 -
SBL Niccolum Carbonicum 30 CH (30ml)
For Periodical nervous headaches, Weak digestion, Constipation
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Sulphurosum 30 CH (30ml)
Loose motion, infection, freckles, waxy face, mouth ulcers
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Sulphuricum 30 CH (30ml)
Uric acid, Breathlessness, High Cholesterol, Dry skin, Swellings
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Salicylicum 30 CH (30ml)
Boils, abscess, Depression, temperature, swelling, joint pain, Vertigo
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Phosphoricum 30 CH (30ml)
Acidity, Morning & Travel sickness, vomiting, Worms, Gouty pains
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Nitricum 30 CH (30ml)
Swollen glands, eye protruded, breathing difficulty, heart, joints
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Muriaticum 30 CH (30ml)
Headache, cracked skin, hairfall, weakness, after delivery complaint
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Iodatum 30 CH (30ml)
Gland complaints, swellings, Joint pains, heart, palpitation
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Hypophosphorosum 30 CH (30ml)
Swollen glands, stomatitis, mood swing, ankle eczema, itching
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Hypochlorosum 30 CH (30ml)
Uterine, ovary complaints, scalp eczema, bloating, bed wetting
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Fluoricum 30 CH (30ml)
For Dental decay, Varicose veins, cramps, sweating
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Chloricum 30 CH (30ml)
Ligament injury, swollen legs, weakness, albuminuria, anemia
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Causticum 30 CH (30ml)
Sinusitis, vertigo, cough with white phlegm
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Carbonicum 30 CH (30ml)
Burns, Cough, Headache, Heat Exhaustion, Sexual Symptoms
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Cacodylicum 30 CH (30ml)
For bad breath in mouth, swelling, eyelids swollen, vomiting
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Bromatum 30 CH (30ml)
eruptions, acne, eczema,Female sex fear, swollen glands, thyroid
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Arsenicosum 30 CH (30ml)
For nasal discharge, headache, dry painful eyes, Psoriasis, Bronchitis
₹85.00 -
SBL Natrum Aceticum 30 CH (30ml)
For inflammations, sore throat, difficult breathing, skin rash
₹85.00 -
SBL Narcotinum 30 CH (30ml)
For difficult urination, fast breathing, red face, nausea, vertigo
₹85.00 -
SBL Narcissus Pseudonaricissus 30 CH (30ml)
For nausea, violent vomit, headache, loose motion, weakness.
₹85.00 -
SBL Naphthalinum 30 CH (30ml)
Difficult respiration, Skin ulcers, Sneezing, Inflammed eyes
₹85.00 -
SBL Naja Tripudians 30 CH (30ml)
Relieves palpitation, breathing difficulty, chest congestion, headache
₹85.00 -
SBL Sulphur 30 CH (30ml)
Burning, Cramps, Injuries, varicose Veins, Enlarged Gland
₹85.00 -
SBL Syphilinum 30 CH (30ml)
Sleeplessness, mouth ulcers, stricture, urinary complaints, pus, rash
₹85.00 -
SBL Symphytum Officinale 30 CH (30ml)
Injuries after blows, fall, Blows, Knee pains, neuralgic pains