Adven Astha Win Syrup (180ml)
Effective in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and bronchospastic disorders
₹200.00 -
Adven Astha Win Tablet (25g)
Astha win tablets a remedy for asthma problems, relieves congestion in chest
₹200.00 -
Adven Calciboost Tablet (25g)
Calciboost helps in getting stronger bones, calcium absorption, improves health
₹200.00 -
Adven Folli Plus Tablet (25g)
Helps in strengthen of hair roots, reduces hair fall and dandruff, promotes hair growth
₹200.00 -
Adven Gas O Plus Tablet (25g)
Gas o plus tablet helpful in gas problems, hyper acidity, indigestion, stomach ache
₹200.00 -
Adven Justin Cough Tablet (25g)
Effective remedy for dry cough, spasmodic cough, allergic cough, whooping cough, wet cough
₹200.00 -
Adven Hemotone Tablet (25g)
Hometone tab increases haemoglobin level, helpful in anaemia and blood loss
₹200.00 -
Adven Leuco Forte Tablets (25g)
Leuco forte tablets useful for women for all types of leucorrhoea
₹200.00 -
Adven Homoeo Derm Tablet (25g)
Home derm tablet useful in healing of itching and scaling cracks, skin rashes and skin infections
₹200.00 -
Adven Mignorm Tablets (25g)
Adven mignorm tablets useful in relieving of the migraine and headaches
₹200.00 -
Adven Rhineez Tablet (25g)
Relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, helpful in running nose and watering eyes
₹200.00 -
Adven Rolfia Tablet (25g)
A homeopathic medicine useful for maintaining blood pressure, controlling hypertension
₹200.00 -
Adven Rheumax Tablet (25g)
For Joint Pains, Muscular Stiffness, Sciatica, Sprains, Stiff Neck, Injuries
₹200.00 -
Adven Tonsicare Tablets (25g)
Helpful in relieving of tonsil and throat pain, allergic rhinitis, relieves pharyngitis
₹200.00 -
Bakson Perio Aid (Mouth Wash) (100ml)
For pus in gums, Inflammation and Bleeding Gums, Mouth sores
₹210.00 -
Bakson Y Lax Tablets (150tab)
Helps in Constipation, Hard Stool, Anal Itching, Regulate Bowel Movement
₹215.00 -
Bakson Throat Aid Tablets (75tab)
Sore Throat, Hoarseness with Loss of Voice, Laryngitis and Pharyngitis
₹215.00 -
Bakson Kof Aid Plus Syrup (Sugar Free) (450ml)
For Dry, Productive, Allergic, Wheezing Cough, Throat Pain,Dryness
₹225.00 -
Bakson Kof Aid Syrup (450ml)
For Dry, Productive, Allergic, Wheezing Cough, Throat Pain,Dryness
₹225.00 -
Adven Justin Cough Syrup (450ml)
Cough syrup provides relief in whooping cough, bronchitis, dry cough and allergic cough₹225.00 -
Bakson Sunny Anti Wrinkle Cream (125g)
Bakson Sunny Anti Wrinkle Cream Maintains Elasticity and Hydrates Skin Keeping it Wrinkle Free with a Youthful Look
₹230.00 -
Bakson Sunny Cocoa Butter Cream (125g)
Baksons Sunny Cocoa Butter Cream Reduces Pigmentation, Wrinkles and Softens Skin, also effective for post pregnancy stretch marks
₹230.00 -
Bakson Sunny Arnica Hair Oil (250ml)
Restore Health & Vitality to Hair, Promotes Growth & Nourishes them by Toning Scalp
₹235.00 -
Bakson Sunny Anti Aging Lotion (80ml)
Bakson Sunny Anti Aging Lotion Provides 6 fold Action with Hydrative & Regenerative Properties
₹240.00 -
Bakson Sunny Sun Care Cream SPF 30 (100g)
Bakson Sunny Sun Care Cream SPF 30 is a perfect shield from the harmful UV rays
₹250.00 -
Bakson Vitamin D Plus Capsules (50caps)
Calcium & Vitamin D Supplement for Strong Bones, Boost Immunity
₹250.00 -
Adven Folli Plus Combo (Internal & External) (60ml)
Reduces Hair Thinning & hairfall, Dandruff, Scalp Dryness, Baldness
₹250.00 -
Bakson Dige Aid Syrup (450ml)
Indigestion, Flatulence, Nausea, Abdominal Colic, Constipation, Gastritis
₹255.00 -
Bakson Kof Aid Plus Syrup (450ml)
For Dry, Productive, Allergic, Wheezing Cough, Throat Pain,Dryness
₹260.00 -
Bakson Liv Aid Syrup (450ml)
Liver Tonic for Fatty Liver, Digestion, Relieve Constipation, Acidity
₹265.00 -
Bakson Liv Aid Syrup (Sugar Free) (450ml)
Used for Indigestion, Nausea, Vomiting, Improves Appetite, Fatty Liver
₹265.00 -
Bakson Rheum Aid Syrup (450ml)
Gout, Arthritis/Joint Pains, Slip Disc and Muscular Weakness/Fatigue
₹265.00 -
Bakson Sunny All Purpose Aloe Vera Calendula Cream (250g)
Bakson Sunny All Purpose Aloe Vera Calendula Cream is All Purpose Cream, for Healthy, Nourished, Moisturized and Beautiful Skin
₹270.00 -
Bakson Alfalfa Tonic (450ml)
Maintain Health, Boosts Immunity, Energy, Stamina & Improves Appetite
₹270.00 -
Medisynth Alfa Malt Forte (450g)
In Malt Base useful in General Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Fatigue
₹280.00 -
Bakson Alfavena Malt (450g)
Improves Appetite,Weight gain, Anaemia, Relieve Fatigue, Sleeplessness
₹280.00 -
Bakson Alfalfa Tonic (Sugar Free) (450ml)
General Tonic, Helps Improve Appetite, Anaemia, Weakness, Work Fatigue
₹285.00 -
Bakson Bakunil Syrup (450ml)
For Kidney Stone, Painful, Burning Urination, Cloudy, Bloody Urine
₹285.00 -
Bakson Fem Aid Syrup (450ml)
For Delayed and Painful Menses, Regulates Menses, useful inweakness
₹285.00 -
Bakson Menso Aid Syrup (450ml)
Helps Regulate Menses, scanty/profuse, Relieves pain,cramps in menses
₹285.00 -
Bakson Pentaphos Syrup (450ml)
Good Health Tonic , Tones up Nerves, Builds Healthy Bones, Improve Memory