Cooler Sharbat 750 ML
Take 3 spoonful of Cooler sharbat in a glass of ice cool water and drink
₹185.00 -
Fruits Sharbat 750 ML
One can also take it with milk
₹160.00 -
Thandai Sharbat 750 ML
One part thandai mix with 4 part of ice cool milk and drink
₹310.00 -
Patanjali Honey, 1kg
Flavour Pure honey, Natural & Raw Brand Patanjali Weight 1000 Grams Package Information Jar Specialty Organic Item Dimensions LxWxH 10 x 10 x 10 Millimeters Material Feature Vegetarian Package Weight 1.06 Kilograms Package Type Jar Recommended Uses For Product Blemishes,Wrinkles ₹350.00 -
Patanjali Chyawanprash 1kg
- Manufactured by : Patanjali Ayurved Ltd.
- Makes the respiratory and autoimmune system strong
- Chyawanprash is the best herbal formulation & not just meant for sick people but is excellent for healthy people too