kapiva raw honey 500 gm
From the dense forests our Raw Honey has more pollen and enzymes to maintain maximum nutrition. Packed with vitamins and minerals that help maintain your immunity, this bottle of nature will help keep flu at bay!
₹600.00 -
kapiva tulsi giloy juice 1 l
Goodbye Cold & Cough
Our Tulsi Giloy Juice combines two of the most beneficial plants indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, Tulsi and Giloy. They are known to treat a wide variety of conditions, especially recurrent fevers and infections. It also enhances Immunity Naturally.
*Results may vary from person to person.
₹400.00 -
kapiva noni juice 1l
Ultimate detox juice for healthful vitamins, minerals, increased energy to get relief from fatigue and toxins in the bloodstream.
₹649.00 -
kapiva karela jamun juice 1 l
Good Health Juice
Remedy to control blood sugar levels, this juice also helps in regulating carbohydrate metabolism. Regular consumption of this diabetes free juice leads to overall good health and proper functioning of the body.
₹349.00 -
kapiva wheatgrass juice 1l
Kapiva Wheatgrass Juice is packed with essential proteins (17 amino acids), vitamins and nutrients. It is harvested on the 8th day as that is when the chlorophyll content is maximum.This juice meets 2.5x your daily veggie requirement. It is also a great natural detoxifier and assists in the process of digestion.
₹499.00 -
kapiva aloe vera juice 1l
One of our bestsellers, Kapiva Aloe Vera Juice is sourced only from the best quality Aloe Vera from Rajasthan. The leaves are juiced within just 4 hours of being cut, ensuring all nutrients remain intact. Kapiva Aloe Vera Juice can help you unlock luscious hair and smooth skin. Have Kapiva Aloe Vera Juice every day for rejuvenating skin and hair.
₹265.00 -
kapiva amla juice 1l
One of our bestsellers, Kapiva Amla Juice is the powerhouse of Vitamin C. Made only from ripe, wild amlas, and cold-pressed to retain nutrients, this is a premium quality product! Use it as a natural immunity booster or for better skin and hair health.
₹220.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (30ml)
For Stress, unwanted thoughts, fear, low confidence.
₹125.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Centaury (30ml)
For Weak-Willed, Lack of confidence, confused mind, forgetful
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Walnut (30ml)
Improves confidence level, help in decision making
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Vine (30ml)
For stubborn people, good confidence, aggressive, irrtiable
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Beech (30ml)
For people with less emotions, Fault finder, perfectionist
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Wild Rose (30ml)
For Loss of Motivation, confidence, No Ambition, unhappy, sad
₹80.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Aspen (30ml)
For Fear, Worry, Tension of small things
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Cerato (30ml)
Low confidence, cannot take decision, Quiet and foolish
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Oak (30ml)
After Overwork, Workaholic, Mental Fatigue, Competitive, Stubborn
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Pine (30ml)
For irritable, fault finder, unhappy always, Cannot take decision
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Red Chestnut (30ml)
For constant worry, stress, Fear Something Will Happen
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Chestnut Bud (30ml)
For people who repeats mistakes, Confused, Angry, Low self esteem
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Remedies Kit (30ml) (1Set)
Complete set of 39 bach flower remedies in liquid
₹5,000.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Horn Beam (30ml)
For people after ehaustion, over work, mental stress, Low confidence
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Vervain (30ml)
For Hyper-Active, Energetic people, stubborn, Confident
₹80.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Crab Apple (30ml)
The Cleansing Remedy, anxiety about cleanliness, Obsessive
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Willow (30ml)
For Irritabilty, restlessness, worry, anger, Blames others, unhappy
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Clematis (30ml)
For Dreaming of Future, Daydreaming, Confused, Sleeply.
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Sweet Chestnut (30ml)
For Mental Anxiety, loss of confidence, worried, tension
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Larch (30ml)
For Lack of Confidence, Depressed feeling, sadness
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Scleranthus (30ml)
Low confidence, Cannot decide, Indecision, Dizziness, lazy
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Wild Oat (30ml)
Improves confidence, sleeplessness, restlessness
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Impatiens (30ml)
For Stress, In Impatience, Hurried, worried patients, Energetic
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Gorse (30ml)
Great Hopelessness and Despair, Assuring That There Is So Little Hope of Relief
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Olive (30ml)
For Exhaustion after Mental, Physical stress, Fatigue, weakness
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Elm (30ml)
Reduces Depression, Exhaustion due to overwork, stress
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Agrimony (30ml)
For Cheerful, People with Worries Behind Their Humour
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Rock Water (30ml)
Stubborn, rigid patient, Perfectionist, worried about self
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Chicory (30ml)
Possessive, Over-Protective, Easily Offended, gets angry easily
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Gentian (30ml)
For Loss of confidence, easily discouraged, Helpless
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Star Of Bethlehem (30ml)
After Effect of Shock, Loss of close friend or family, Shocking News