Bioforce Blooume 14 Fever Care Drop
Useful only in cases of low grade fever associated with flu, bodyache and headaches.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 1 Arthritisan Drop
For arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Tenderness or pain in joints, symptoms associated with degenerative arthritis.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 2 Asthmasan Drop
For bronchial asthma, allergic asthma. Cough associated with asthma. Sudden coughing attacks, difficulty in breathing, irritation in throat.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 33 Viryagro +++ Drop
Bioforce Blooume 33 Viryagro +++ Drop is indicated for treating loss of erectile power and premature ejaculation.₹338.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 27 Pollinosan Drop
For hay fever. Acute and chronic allergic rhinitis, Skin allergies. Non-sedating.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 16 Gro T Drop
Increases height in growing children.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 4 Biohair Drop
Biohair Drop is a combination of Acidum Phosphoricum 6x, Jaborandi 2x, Lycopodium Clavatum 3x and Weisbaden 3x.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 31 Sinusan Drop
Reduces headaches associated with Sinusitis.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 20 Immunoforce Drop
A general tonic. Stimulates and builds general immunity. Useful in convalescence.₹140.00 -
Haslab Coughlex Syrup (450ml)
Effective Cough Syrup for Upper Respiratory Track Infections, Bronchitis
₹245.00 -
Haslab Coughlex Syrup (115ml)
Effective Cough Syrup for Upper Respiratory Track Infections, Bronchitis
₹90.00 -
Haslab G H Phos Tonic with Vitamin B and Iron (115ml)
Tonic for Nervous Exhaustion, Depression, Loss of Memory, Brain Fag
₹105.00 -
Haslab Angio Drops (30ml)
Regulates Circulation, blood pressure, Palpitation, Breathlessness
₹150.00 -
Haslab DROX 14 (Goutrin Drops – Gout) (30ml)
For Gout, Swollen, Stiff Joints, Tearing Pain in Joints
₹150.00 -
Haslab Sarneem Syrup (450ml)
Blood Purifier, Helps in Acne, Pimples, Skin Rash and Unhealthy Skin
₹275.00 -
Haslab Baby Tone Up Syrup (100ml)
Promotes physical as well as mental well-being of your baby
₹75.00 -
Haslab Ashoka Elixir Drops (30ml)
Relieves Uterine Complaints, regulates menses, pain during menses
₹155.00 -
Haslab Jaborand Hair Lotion (25ml)
Locally Used for Falling Hair, Dandruff and Bald Patches on Scalp
₹110.00 -
Haslab DROX 1 (Acc Drops – Cough and Cold) (30ml)
Relieves Cold, Cough, Lowers Mild to High Temperature, Body ache
₹150.00 -
Haslab DROX 25 (Tova Drops – Tumor) (30ml)
Relieves Shooting abdominal pain, Soreness in Uterine Region, Ovary
₹150.00 -
Haslab DROX 10 (Filarin Drops – Filaria) (30ml)
For Inflammation of Veins in Lower Limbs with Swelling, Enlarged Testes
₹140.00 -
Haslab DROX 17 (Lumbago Drops – Backache) (30ml)
For Back pain, Sprains, Cervical Spondolysis, Joint Swelling
₹140.00 -
Haslab Livotex Syrup (450ml)
Liver Tonic in Fatty Liver, Improves Digestion, Relieves Constipation
₹255.00 -
Haslab Digesto Syrup (450ml)
Indigestion, Flatulence, Acidity, Constipation, Bloated Stomach
₹245.00 -
Haslab Nervocalm Drops (30ml)
Sleep Stimulator, For Sleeplessness, Relieves Anxiety, Stress and Tension
₹155.00 -
Haslab Ashoka Elixir Tonic (450ml)
A Female Tonic, for Menstrual problems, white discharge, menses pain
₹250.00 -
Haslab Alfalfa Super Tonic with Vitamin A B C D (450ml)
Tonic for Anaemia, Loss of Appetite, Flatulence, Weakness, Illness