New Life Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (30ml)
For Stress, unwanted thoughts, fear, low confidence.
₹125.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 18 Hemosan Drop
For symptoms associated with piles.₹140.00 -
Hapdco Mensol Syrup (450ml)
Irregular Menses, scanty/profuse, Pain,cramps in menses
₹310.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 9 Cystosan Drop
For painful insufficient or frequent urination, mild diuretic action.₹140.00 -
Hapdco Reumatone Oil (30ml)
Decreases Swelling, Stiffness, Pain in Joints, useful in Gout
₹90.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Holly (30ml)
For people with bad temper, angry, full of aggression, abuse others
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Remedies Kit (30ml) (1Set)
Complete set of 39 bach flower remedies in liquid
₹5,000.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 16 Gro T Drop
Increases height in growing children.₹140.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Olive (30ml)
For Exhaustion after Mental, Physical stress, Fatigue, weakness
₹100.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 28 Prosan Drop
For discomfort caused by prostate enlargement, inflammation of the bladder and relief from dribbling of urine and discomfort while passing urine.₹140.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Sweet Chestnut (30ml)
For Mental Anxiety, loss of confidence, worried, tension
₹100.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 23 Menosan Drop
For relief from symptoms like hot flushes, palpitation and irritability associated with menopause.₹135.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 13 Fatosan Drop
Helps to stay trim.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 22 Memorisan Drop
For improving concentration and memory without any side effects.₹140.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 17 Heart Care Gold Drop
Heart Care Gold Drops help in maintaining heart functions to the fullest level helps to strengthen a weak heart.₹155.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 33 Viryagro +++ Drop
Bioforce Blooume 33 Viryagro +++ Drop is indicated for treating loss of erectile power and premature ejaculation.₹338.00 -
Bioforce Blooume 4 Biohair Drop
Biohair Drop is a combination of Acidum Phosphoricum 6x, Jaborandi 2x, Lycopodium Clavatum 3x and Weisbaden 3x.₹140.00 -
Hapdco Aqui Plus Cream (25g)
For Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Facial Scars and Unhealthy Skin
₹90.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Walnut (30ml)
Improves confidence level, help in decision making
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Beech (30ml)
For people with less emotions, Fault finder, perfectionist
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Crab Apple (30ml)
The Cleansing Remedy, anxiety about cleanliness, Obsessive
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Gentian (30ml)
For Loss of confidence, easily discouraged, Helpless
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Water Violet (30ml)
For sadness, calm people, low confidence, reserved, talk less
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower White Chestnut (30ml)
Repeated Unwanted Thoughts, Mental fatigue, Sleeplessness, Insomnia.