New Life Bach Flower Agrimony (30ml)
For Cheerful, People with Worries Behind Their Humour
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Rock Water (30ml)
Stubborn, rigid patient, Perfectionist, worried about self
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Chicory (30ml)
Possessive, Over-Protective, Easily Offended, gets angry easily
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Gentian (30ml)
For Loss of confidence, easily discouraged, Helpless
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Star Of Bethlehem (30ml)
After Effect of Shock, Loss of close friend or family, Shocking News
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Holly (30ml)
For people with bad temper, angry, full of aggression, abuse others
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Water Violet (30ml)
For sadness, calm people, low confidence, reserved, talk less
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Mimulus (30ml)
For Fear, Stammering speech, Shyness, Sensitive, Lack of Courage
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Cherry Plum (30ml)
Uncontrollable Anger, Breakdown, Abusive, Rage
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower White Chestnut (30ml)
Repeated Unwanted Thoughts, Mental fatigue, Sleeplessness, Insomnia.
₹100.00 -
New Life Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (30ml)
For Stress, unwanted thoughts, fear, low confidence.