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The COVID-19 pandemic situation is a rapidly changing and evolving condition during which the World Health Organisation (WHO) is constantly monitoring and upgrading the information available regarding its spread, mortality, and morbidity. As yet, in Modern Western Medicine (MWM), no cure has been released which is specific to COVID-19. But Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that was extensively used to control the epidemic in China, also consisted of herbal medicines similar to Ayurveda that originated in India more than 3000 years ago. According to the clinical representation of COVID-19 disease, an Ayurvedic assessment was found on the basis of the tridosa framework (the three dosas known as vata, pitta, and kapha) that represents the self-regulatory mechanisms of the body, the failure of which leads to development of the disease. Scroll down to know more about the importance of Ayurveda and homeopathy medicines in post COVID-19.


Ayurveda derived from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge) pays larger emphasis on building strength of mind and body to cope with various stressors, including infections. There are numerous treatment options available in the best Ayurveda online stores for enhancing immunity against respiratory illnesses.Some of the localmeasuressuchasdecoctions, consumptions of hot water, gargling with medicated water, and steam inhalation described in Ayurveda medicines for respiratory illnesses (Chandran et al.,2018) are the major treatments to be proved. At present, many allopathic and homeopathy drugs are under investigations for prophylactic use against COVID-19 which seems to be insufficient. Whereas, complementary medicine systems such as Ayurveda with yoga can be proven effective prophylaxis and adjuvant therapy of COVID-19.


The top group of scientists from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, in collaboration with AIST, Japan, have establishes that one of the most renowned and widely used herb, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Shvasari juice are so powerful that it may hold strong potential in fighting COVID-19.

ASHWAGANDHA: It can prove to be the crucial medicine in fighting corona virus and also can be used in the development of  vaccines. Available in the best Ayurveda online stores, the pure product consists of some useful natural biochemical compounds which work the same way as other anti-corona virus drugs. Consumption of Ashwagandha at regular basis can supercharge your immunity and increasing the dosage of Ashwagandha during onset of cold can work amazingly in healing the body.

TULSI: It has also been used in the medicine which controls the increase of coronavirus in the infected body by attacking the RNA-polymerases of attacking the RNA of the infection.

SHVASARI JUICE: Prevents the formation of thick mucus and reduces the lungs inflammation by eliminating saliva.

CONCLUSION In India, the deadly COVID-19 has affected more than 4 lakh people in the country and asserted the lives of over 9,500 till now. Up to the present time, over 100 potential vaccines for the COVID-19 are in various stages of development all around the world. Although, none of them have achieved the desired results. Therefore, COVID-19   is a condition where Ayurveda medicines showed satisfactory results. It regained its importance as Ayurvedic medicines arrested the progress of the disease to a more serious state.

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